You are, just like everyone else, an almost inconceivably complicated mix of abilities and limitations. Instead of dwelling on something you think is wrong and resolving to improve it, take a different approach. Resolve to accept yourself right now as a work in progress. Acknowledge that, faults and all, you are a complete person and a very good person at that. Accepting yourself does not mean that you ignore your faults and never try to improve. What it does mean is that believing in your own words first, last, and always is of utmost importance, and in fact, a priority.
While it is important to accept that you are a work in progress, it is equally important to realize your ability to choose to change the aspects of your life you are unsatisfied with. The action is predicated on a rational view of certain options. We make so many of our choices based on feelings; you know, the old “I don’t feel like it” voice. The rational voice, however, says, “I don’t feel like it, but I know that I can push through it and nothing bad will happen. In fact, I know I will feel better because I checked something off that blasted list that has been driving me crazy for weeks.” The choice to get better lies within you- it’s your life.
It is important to comprehend the monumental importance of your choice. There are only two options here. One option is to stay the same, to continue living while being unhappy. The second option is changed. Choose change.